CONCERT – SAMHAIN Celebration & CD release 01/11/2013

:Travelling through The Veil:

Crystal Bowl SAMHAIN (Saween) Celebration & CD release


Come join us for an evening of intention to the soundscape of crystal and Tibetan bowls, gongs, Peruvian flutes and whistling vessels,vocal harmonics, throat singing and resonance.

Tickets $15 – CDs $10
7:30pm November 1st 2013

This evening is a celebration of the creation of our first album the harmonic crown as well as celebrating one of the oldest traditions of time, Samhain.

Samhain is celebrated across the world as a time when the veil between the spiritual and waking worlds is thin. It is a day celebrated all over the world as a time of gathering, prayer, ceremonies, ritual and celebration. It was in prec hristian times the biggest and most significant holiday of the Celtic year. It is a time that symbolizes the end of harvest and the beginning of winter.

It is a wonderful and very powerful time to gather with intention and welcome the presence of winter and its womb like nature. To honour life and of death and its cycle. As well as anything else under the sun.

We (Jeremy Sills and Naomi Athena) will be releasing our first studio album “the harmonic crown” under our duo project Raven and the light Tree

We worked on this album on and off over the course of a year between travels to Peru. It was recorded and mastered @ Metropolitan Studio by Jason Jakunas one of Ottawas finest in the industry. We are very happy with how it turned out and are very excited to share it with you. Which is why we decided to throw our CD release on Samhain, a powerful day for transformation and gathering with intention.

We would be honored if you would join us!

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