Kirtan with Bhava 17/12/10
BHAVA is sanskrit for devotional state of mind; the mood of ecstasy and self-surrender that comes through the loving divine embrace!
Bhava invites you to join us on December 17th for a Winter Solstice Evening Celebration. Friends & family & all folks are welcome to come sing with us in a “Gathering for Gratitude”, through music. Bhava will carry beautiful ancient songs, through their voices, singing bowls, harmonium and darbouka. Printed lyrics provided so everyone can follow along and join in with the call & response melodies. All ages are welcome! There’s room to dance and clap your hands ! Snacks and tea afterwards for all. We hope to see you there!
7:30pm – 9:00pm
Friday December 17th 2010
Bhava is:
•Naomi Guzman Poole (voice)
•Elissar Hanna (voice & harmonium)
•Jeremy Sills (voice, crystal bowls & gong)
•Guy Tardif (voice)
•Stephane Laurence-Pressault (darbouka)
Cost: A suggested donation of $11.00. No chanting or singing experience needed – just an openness to beautiful sounds. All ages welcome.
PranaShanti Yoga Centre
52 Armstrong Street
Ottawa, ON
K1Y 2V7
613-761-9642 (YOGA)