A night of High Vibration Frequency Sound & Movement 7/12/2013
A night of Sound Healing, Ecstatic Dance, Devotional Kirtan & Dances of Universal Peace
with Eric Mandala/Zu Zen/Jeremy Sills/Naomi Athena/Bob & Marlene Neufeld
Saturday, December 7, 2013
6:00pm until 11:00pm
20$ or PWYC
166B Drummond St. Ottawa
(near The Green Door Restaurant)
Eric Mandala/Zu Zen/Jeremy Sills/Naomi Athena/Bob & Marlene Neufeld will lead us in Sound Healing, Ecstatic Dance, Devotional Kirtan & Dances of Universal Peace
Join us for in this Holiday Season for a special night of celebration together in Peace and Unity
Come early for a potluck:
Bring a dish, yoga mats or cushions to lay on, voice to sing & dancing shoes…
Eric Mandala
ERIC MANDALA Founder of “Mandala World Music” an international ethnic fusion world music group with people from all around the world. He uses traditional influences of music and art to create new and dynamic original material. He has traveled around the world collaborating with 100’s of artists under the name Mandala. His focus is to bring sacred styles of art and instrument together for a new fusion in this multi-cultural world. ERIC MANDALA has played on, produced, and recorded over 15 albums around the world. When performing solo he does live looping & Electronica using Ableton Live and plays over 100 ethnic and modern instruments from around the world. He sings in Universal Language mixing ancient tongues and ethnic styles of vocals with modern sound scat poetry. He builds & plays African harps like the Kora & kamele n’goni. We hope you enjoy listening to the music because they sure love to make it! If you haven’t seen this original show yet be sure to catch it as soon as possible!
Zu Zen

Bob & Marlene Neufeld
We lead Dances of Universal Peace approximately twice a month during the fall, winter and spring in Ottawa. We also lead Dances at special events.
If you want to know when Dances of Universal Peace are being offered in the Ottawa area, go to ourCalendar of Events.
For more information about the International Network of the Dances of Universal Peace go towww.dancesofuniversalpeace.org
For North American information go to www.dancesofuniversalpeacena.org