Ecstatic Dance ~ A Journey of Spirit 10/12/10
Santosha Yoga Studio Westboro
7:00PM Friday Nights Bi Weekly
Premiere Session – Friday, December 10 · 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Friday at 7:00 we will dance the night away !
Drop in for $16 or use your Santosha Student Card
A workshop devoted to the power of dance and inspiration itself !
Facilitator – Naomi Athena
Music – Jeremy Sills
I want to Dance
I want to Dance until nothing inside is the same
I want to Dance until i stop watching the steps of other dancers
and truly surrender to the heartbeat of my soul
I want to Dance into the shadows of the caves i hide in and the shadow puppets i play with
I want to Dance like no one is watching
just the river rushing me into its concave lungs in and out deeper and deeper again
I want to Dance and find myself
Find the lost little girl caged up in a prison made of Popsicle sticks and super glue
To ride the whales within schools of fishes and sea horses
I want to Dance down the brick walls that wall up my own heart
Tear out the blocked arteries and fasten in ribbons of golden and silver thread instead
I want to Dance upon the earth and feel her smooth clay dirt between my toes
step down deep into her core and make love to her with my moving footprints
I want to Dance in water splashing like a child in the ocean
Singing in the petter patter raindrops dropping on barebacked belly’s
Watching the waves rise and fall, like the tide waxing and waning to the spirit of the moon
I want to shake like the shaker in a council of elders
rattling the prayers for the healing of our world
Dancing through the illusions of yesterday and choosing now as my destiny
I want to dance like rich chocolate cake
Luscious and Sexy. Sweet sensual mystery
Feeding from the nectar of the gods and goddesses as I eat
from my own forbidden fruit hidden away in the corners of my waterfall
I want to Dance like the wind riding the wings of angels and demons
as the eagle carries this holy smoke into the heavens whispering through
the breath of my ancestors upon mountain valley peaks and dessert storms
I want to move like a gypsy caravan from place to place without limitation or boundaries
saddled upon horses backs through the eye of Gethsemane
I want to dance
I want to dance, I want to dance
and then…. I want to dance some more !