ECSTATIC DANCE – with Naomi Athena & JAMS 22/03/2013



Surround Circle Yoga (old ottawa south)
15-20$ donation
Friday March 22nd
8:00pm – 9:30pm

15 Aylmer Ave., Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5G4

Surround Yoga




Equinox, the actual beginning of the new year and new cycle is upon us. The first day of spring, a time to celebrate, cultivate and plant seeds in the soil and in our hearts and minds…. A time to Dance!

Cultures all around the planet have always used dance to journey into the sacred. To dance into the space of no mind and connection.
A way to move that which cannot be spoken.
Dance the story, Dance the Pain, Dance the Joy and come deeper into who we are.

Join us this Friday night. Because Its just SO FUN!
Be in community, Sweat, , Shake, explore, , Cry, Open, Shout, play, Sit, Still, Pray, Think, Cocoon, Go Wild, Express, Awaken,…. Dance this new year into your bones, muscles, nerves and cells.

DJ’d and Live Music and Crystal Bowls- Jeremy Sills
Facilitator – Naomi Athena

Tea and Gluten free treats to share after in Post Dance Bliss : )

No experience necessary
Everyone welcome!!

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