ECSTATIC DANCE – Harvest – with Athena & JAMS 27/09/2013


Friday September 27th 2013

Come dance to the rhythm of the seasons

As we have recently traveled through the fall equinox

A time to harness and harvest the energies needed as we prepare ourselves for the cool breezes that lay ahead

Come dance your heart


time: 8:00
place: surround circle yoga
donation $20
($15 for students)

No experience necessary – wear comfortable clothing

Live Bowls, Drumming & Music DJ -Jeremy Sills
Facilitating – Naomi Athena


Ecstatic Dance is a term being used now around the world to describe the ancient form of trance dance. This dance is being used as a healing modality to investigate and uncover parts of the psyche through movement . Instead of talk therapy there are those of us who need dance therapy. To shake, jump, and dance the story and move into a space of the authentic self.

From the Beginning of time we have Danced. We have spun around the fires of humanity and moved to the beat of the earths pulse. We have sounded into the mystery and found ourselves in crevices of the ethers, shaking our bodies into the place where love has made home.

Movement is a language. It is a way to speak what is unspeakable. It is a way to communicate. It is a way to listen. Watch the way a child moves. Watch an infant wiggle. To Dance is in our bones. It is Ancient.

We live in a culture that is constantly telling the individual what is acceptable culture and what is not acceptable culture. We live in a time that is craving a culture rooted in spiritual intelligence. When we release the inhibition and let go into our feet and bodies, we are creating a new culture.

This Dance is a Modality for Revelation. This movement is a path for healing. For Growth. For Deepening into the self
Be Brave. Be Courageous. Be the Dance

Naomi Athena


15 Aylmer Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 3X1

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