Ecstatic Dance with Naomi Poole 17/11/2011

The Path of Dance:
From the Beginning of time we have Danced. We have spun around the fires of humanity and moved to the beat of the earths pulse. We have sounded into the mystery and found ourselves in crevices of the ethers, shaking our bodies into the place where love has made its home. Movement is a language. It is a way to speak what is unspeakable. It is a way to communicate. It is a way to listen. Watch the way a child moves. Watch an infant wiggle. To Dance is in our bones. It is Ancient.
We live in a culture that is constantly telling the individual what is acceptable culture and what is not acceptable culture. We live in a time that is craving a culture rooted in spiritual intelligence. When we release the inhibition and let go into our feet and bodies, we are creating a new culture. We come back to the old ways, in this new time. Remembering and Creating.
This Dance is a Modality for Revelation. This movement is a path for healing. For Growth. For Deepening into the self.
Be Brave. Be Courageous. Be the Dance
What to bring: Comfortable clothes, water, and a good dose of Curiosity. No Experience necessary!
Cost: $20.00 per person
Thursday November 17th 2011
7:30-9:00 PM