EVENT – Awakening ! Stillness.Movement.Chant – 16/03/2014
Full Moon Sunday, March 16, 2014
11:30am until 5:30pm
@ Rama Lotus Yoga Centre
Sun Room
Spring is a time of renewal, rebirth and expansiveness. As we approach equinox, the time is ripe to plant seeds of intention for new experiences of life. Treat yourself to this Sunday afternoon workshop that combines many modalities to bring you to full blossoming individually and as a group. Through expressive movement, soulful sounding, playfulness, celebration and song, you will emerge from the journey with a deeper sense of well being.
11:30-1:00 Pot Luck Feasting
1:00-2:00 Dances of Universal Peace
Led by Bob and Marlene Neufeld
2:00-3:00 Sound Healing
Facilitated by Jeremy Sills, Naomi Athena and friends
3:00-4:00 Devotional Chanting
Led by Eric Mandala, Jeremy Sills and participants
4:00-5:00 Ecstatic Dancing
With electro and live world music by Eric Mandala and Zu Zen
Each modality is a rich and full event on its own with facilitators and performers that have been travelling around the world. You are welcome to take part in the whole workshop or if time is limited, feel free to come for parts of the event. For the sound healing workshop we strongly advice arriving before the hour and leaving after the hour to respect the whole journey.
We will begin this full moon Sunday afternoon with a celebration of coming together after many months of hibernation. The table is set for a feast for the belly and the soul. Bring a vegetarian dish to share and receive a 33% discount on the registration fee. Include a written ingredient list. Provide your own plate and cutlery for eating.
Once satiated, we move into simple, meditative, multi-cultural circle dances that use chants from many sacred traditions to touch the spiritual essence within. Group synergy builds as we ride the waves of harmony and bliss.
Coming into savasana, we ready ourselves to be bathed in the healing vibrations and high frequencies of crystal singing bowls, didgeridoo, and harmonic overtones, for a sound healing journey. Dropping into that deep silent space of eternity, profound awareness and transformation may occur. Let your own inspiration to be still, to move or to vocalize guide you into transcendental states.
At the call of the conch, we are reminded of the power of the heart and return fully awake to the sacred mantras of bhakti kirtan. Through devotional chanting of different traditions, these unifying prayers can lead us to the place inside that is pure love, pure being, pure awareness, and pure joy. Bring a devotional song to share from any lineage.
Finally, letting go of all constraints, we rise to our feet and express this ecstasy by dancing freely to electro live, world music. Discover how spontaneous, cathartic moving can bring you back to your natural state of well being, deep presence and connection to others. We are the movers and shakers, igniting the hearts and souls of all those whose lives we touch.
Commit to this special community-gathering event by pre-registering at Rama Lotus Yoga Center and inviting all your friends. There is power in numbers.
Payment can be made online at the Rama Lotus website, by phone or in person at the reception.
We thank you for joining us in this exploration of joy, unity and aliveness.
Investment $30 + gst
Bring a potluck vegetarian contribution for
a 33% discount of
$20 + gst

Awakening Through Stillness, Movement and Chanting
» March 16, 2014
Workshop lead by Bob and Marlene Neufeld, Jeremy Sills, Eric Mandala, Naomi Athena, Zu Zen
Held at Rama Lotus Yoga Centre
Sunday March 16th 11:30am-5pm
Spring is a time of renewal, rebirth and expansiveness.
As we approach equinox,the time is ripe to plant seeds of intention for new experiences of life. Through expressive movement, soulful sounds, playfulness, celebration and song, you will awaken a deeper sense of well being. Join us for all or part of this afternoon, arriving before 2pm or after 3pm to respect the sound healing experience.
11:30-1:00 Vegetarian Pot Luck
*please list ingredients if you bring a dish and enjoy the feast!
1:00-2:00 Dances of Universal Peace
Led by Bob and Marlene Neufeld
*simple, meditative, circle dances that touch the spiritual essense within.
2:00-3:00 Sound Healing
Facilitated by Jeremy Sills, Naomi Athena and friends
*enjoy savasana with the healing vibrations of crystal bowls and the didgeridoo.
3:00-4:00 Devotional Chanting
Led by Eric Mandala and Jeremy Sills
*A Kirtan from different lineages bringing you into the heart.
4:00-5:00 Ecstatic Dance
With electro and live world music by Eric Mandala and Zu Zen
*Discover how spontaneous movement can bring well being.
Your Investment $30+hst or $20+hst with a potluck dish
Location Details:
Sun Room