Holiday Sound Celebration | December 17th 2017

What a wonderful afternoon this will be!

Ottawa’s high vibe community coming together to share food, song, ceremony and sacred sound together.


Sunday December 17th 2017 – Follow on FB

Rhythm of Your Soul Retreat Centre
1101 Howie Rd, Ottawa, ON (near Carp, near Almonte)

Opening ceremony and crystal singing bowl sound journey with Jeremy Sills

3:00 – 6:00 musical entertainment by
– Arif Jinha
– Rebecca White Raven and Kevin Guerette
– Jeremy Sills and Athena Naia
– Daniel G Mauro

6:30pm closing ceremony and gong bath with Rebecca White Raven

A potluck area will be set up, so bring some food or alcohol-free drink to share.

Drop in anytime to join us, or come and stay the whole time. There will be time for community connection between music performances.

A donation basket will be put out for your offering ($33 suggested), with a portion going to a women’s shelter.

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