July FMT – Raspberry Full Moon 14/07/2011

I just found out today that a molecule discovered at the heart of the milky way is also found in fresh raspberries !  As a good friend of mine said – music of the spheres & fresh raspberries ? – could spirit ask for anything more ? !! Come celebrate the full moon in July with an “alter” full of raspberries – ethyl formate

Raspberry Full Moon Toning

Thursday July 14th, 2011

7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Guided by Jeremy Sills

Space for Eighteen Voices ~ pre-registration required by phone or email

Location: 449 Highcroft Ave  in Westboro

RSVP: jeremy@jeremysills.com 613-627-5475
Fee: Suggested Donation $15.00

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