Songs of Alchemy ~ I ~ ForgiveForward – 18/9/2010
Saturday September 18th ~ 7:30pm-9:30pm (doors 7pm) ~ Tickets $50 at the door ~
Westboro Masonic Temple ~ 430 Churchill Avenue ~ Ottawa
Our concerts have been baptized “Songs of Alchemy” and will be given in seven modules (do not worry about missing one….you can attend all of the modules or just the one that resonates with you). To see the list and a short description of the modules, just scroll down.
We start the first concert on September 18th, from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm at the Masonic Temple (corner of Byron and Churchill). The doors will open at 7 pm which gives you time to set your yoga mat, blanket (many of you go in so deep you get cold…if that sounds like you, please bring a good blanket) , cushions or whatever else you need to be comfortable for two hours. Cost is 50$, tickets at the door.
As always, Marjoli will paint the sounds and the canvass will be raffled at the end of the concert. As always, Jeremy will play his crystal bowls (I have some too), his flute and other instruments. As always, I will have my precious hang singing drum (“hang” means “throat” in Burmese) and other instruments I have gathered from trips around the world. As always, Jeremy and I will use our voices to move energies and create a space for you to hug more closely your own powerful light.
But now our concerts will be a bit different as each concert is one of 7 songs linked each of the 7 energy centers of the body. This is where alchemy comes in. The sounds created by Jeremy and I (as well as the energy that each of you will bring) work at a very deep emotional level. These ribbons of sounds, are about transforming yourselves into the brightest being you can be….your own version of quintessence. In the past, both Jeremy and I have received positive comments on how these concerts have helped many of you move on to a higher level of well-being (and thank you for sharing all this feedback). Now each concert will have a specific goal and intent: to create a focused space for emotions and energies to flow more efficiently and harmoniously.
Our first concert, on September 18th, aims at opening up your intuition – your third eye- in order to give you as much clarity for your life in general…and also for the next 6 concerts. So, here is the list of concerts ( “songs”) in the order in which we will give them. Except for the first concerts, dates are to be announced:
1. The song of “Forgiveforward” (Sept 18th): No this is not a typo (I make enough as it is)! The spelling of this song is to make the point that to forgive is to move on. This concert intends to foster the clarity and the light within of the world out there. Clarity is the mother of gratitude for all that have happened in your life so far. Knowing is freedom. It is the song of the 3rd chakra.
2. The song of “True, Kind, Necessary and Complete”: This concert will be about expressing yourself with authenticity. We will create a song to enable you to say your truth without fear (of judgement etc) and to do so with great compassion and kindness. May all your words be true, kind, necessary and complete. It is the song of the 5th chakra, the throat chakra.
3. The song of “Loving Kindness”: This concert is all about love. Love is the opposite of fear. Love is made of delicious energies such as faith, awe, surrender, trust, beauty and gratitude. If you feel your heart could open more, this is definitely for you. Love is the song of the 4th chakra, the heart chakra.
4. The song of ” Get Up ! “: Will power, getting things done, and presence are the theme of this concert. If your suffer from procrastination, not knowing where you path lies or simply feeling lazy (things you should do and your saboteur comes in and freezes everything), this concert will open the channel to the warrior within, the one who acts for your own good and the good of all. Conversely, if you are a warrior all the time, including with your loved ones, this concert will help to soften any rough edges that may not be so cool when a hug is needed. It is all about balance of true inner power. It is the song of the 3rd chakra.
5. The song of “Letting Go of the Shore”: Over the years, many of you, if not all of you, have shared with me your sadness, fears, frustration or shame concerning the delicate subjects of sexuality and sensuality. There seems to be much pain surrounding sexual expression. This concert is about the courage to leave the “shores” of what you know and the wisdom to find the waves that will carry you into the true magic of your creative sexual self. This is the song of the 2nd chakra.
6. The song of “The Pure Energy of Nature”: This concert is about getting grounded into the fibre of the “here and now”. Without its roots, the tree cannot stand tall. Without our roots, we cannot stand into our own loving power. This concert is about hugging Mother Earth and Father Sky through our own personal understanding of divine love. May we all remember that we are here for a loving reason and that, for this reason alone, we can safely and openly embrace the world we live in. This is the song of the root chakra, the first chakra.
7. The song of “The Rainbow Voyage”: With the last concert of the series, we will close the loop by creating with sounds a final ladder to essence. Some will call it a bridge, some will call it a cord and some will call it the hand with which we can touch the Creator…..whatever you call it, it is the OM by which we connect to the divine. May this last concert help you see that the voyage between the Creator and you is but an illusion….the Creator is already holding you softly….yes, right now, this very moment. This is the song of the crown chakra, the 7th chakra.
with passion for the song of life,
Bernadette, Jeremy, Marjoli